Communiqués de presse

IBM lance avec son écosystème de partenaires une place de marché pour le Cloud d’entreprise et annonce plus de 30 nouveaux services dans sa plateforme Bluemix, incluant Data et Analytique-as-a-Service

Apr 29, 2014

Paris, France - 29 avr. 2014: IBM annonce le transfert dans le Cloud d’une grande partie de son portefeuille de logiciels et de services ainsi que la disponibilité de technologies apportées par ses partenaires dans le cadre du lancement de la première place de marché métier. Les métiers, l’IT et les professionnels du développement pourront essayer et acheter de nouveaux services Cloud directement en ligne. IBM annonce également la disponibilité dans Bluemix, sa Plateforme-as-a-Service (PaaS), de plus de 30 nouveaux services Cloud, basés sur des standards ouverts. Ils vont permettre aux développeurs, issus à la fois des entreprises « classiques » et des entreprises nées avec le web, de construire des applications dans le Cloud. 

La première place de marché qui adresse à la fois les besoins des développeurs, des lignes métiers et des services IT

IBM fait une avancée majeure vers le Cloud en mettant à la portée de tous un large éventail de services et de logiciels issus de son portefeuille, à travers la mise en place d’un nouveau modèle en libre-service,  accessible en un seul clic et utilisable grâce à une simple une carte de crédit. Ce mouvement sans précédent est annoncé alors qu’une étude de Gartner révèle que 80% des entreprises prévoient d’utiliser le Cloud en 2014.


Accompagné d’un écosystème mondial de partenaires, IBM lance une place de marché Cloud (L’IBM Cloud Marketplace), conçue pour répondre aux besoins des trois principaux groupes d’utilisateurs des entreprises : les lignes métiers qui ont besoin de développer rapidement de nouveaux services, les développeurs qui ont besoin de construire ces derniers toujours plus vite et les services informatiques qui ont besoin de moyens toujours plus créatifs, efficaces et économiques pour délivrer ces services. La place de marché d’IBM va permettre aux clients d’essayer les services avant de les acheter, et de travailler de façon collaborative au sein de groupes uniques, afin d’évaluer et de personnaliser les nouveaux services Cloud avant de les intégrer dans leur entreprise.


Sur cette place de marché Cloud sera lancée une série de services liés à l’Analytique et au Big Data, à la Sécurité, à la Mobilité, ainsi qu’à d’autres domaines clés porteurs de croissance, provenant pour certains des fournisseurs d’applications Cloud parmi les plus importants comme Paypal, Zend, SendGrid, MongoDB, NewRelic, Redis Labs, Sonian, Flow Search Corp, Twilio, Ustream et bien plus encore. Ceci représente de nouvelles opportunités de marché pour des centaines de fournisseurs d’offres Cloud désireux d’attirer de nouveaux clients grâce à IBM tout en construisant un écosystème riche autour de cette place de marché, afin d’en accroître la valeur et la polyvalence pour les clients.


Les investissements continus d’IBM dans les segments clés du Cloud, que ce soit IaaS avec Softlayer, PaaS avec Bluemix ou SaaS avec plus de cent applications, portent clairement leurs fruits. Les revenus d’IBM dans le domaine du Cloud ont augmenté de 50% au premier trimestre 2014.

Dans la lignée des milliards investis dans le Cloud, la place de marché est la nouvelle étape pour asseoir le leadership d’IBM dans ce domaine. Elle a été conçue dans le but de faciliter la transition des entreprises vers le Cloud, et d’accélérer l’adoption des Cloud « hybrides » qui sont à l’origine d’une nouvelle ère d’innovation. En effet, ces derniers permettent d’établir une connexion entre des solutions web, mobiles et sociales orientées client et des systèmes dans lesquels les données et les transactions sont traitées.

Vous trouverez ici une infographie sur le sujet :


De nouveaux services Bluemix pour aider les développeurs à créer des applications dans le Cloud

IBM accélère l’expansion de la plateforme Cloud ouverte, Bluemix, qui a aidé des milliers de développeurs provenant de sociétés telles que Continental Automotive, Pitney Bowes ou encore Gamestop, à mettre en place des applications d’entreprise dans le Cloud dès les 60 premiers jours de leur utilisation de la version béta. IBM lance plus de 30 nouveaux services dans Bluemix, conçus par IBM et ses partenaires, dans des domaines à fort potentiel de croissance tels que le Big Data et l’Analytique, l’intégration Cloud et l’Internet des objets. Bluemix constitue un point d’entrée pour les développeurs qui peuvent y concevoir et y tester leurs applications, dans un environnement qui s’apparente à un environnement de test, avant de les commercialiser potentiellement sur la place de marché Cloud d’IBM.

En plus de construire un écosystème autour du Cloud, IBM travaille avec des partenaires tels que Galvanize pour offrir aux start-ups et aux développeurs un espace physique de collaboration pour qu’ils puissent travailler ensemble à la création et aux tests de leurs applications dans un environnement dynamique, capitalisant sur des méthodes de développement agiles et les meilleures pratiques. Le premier BlueMix Garage Lab d’IBM sera situé à San Francisco, dans les locaux de Galvanize où les membres de BlueMix pourront travailler de pair avec des consultants IBM et des partenaires tels que Pivotal Labs pour lancer rapidement de nouvelles innovations.


A propos du Cloud Computing d’IBM :

IBM est leader mondial du Cloud avec un portefeuille inégalé de solutions cloud ouvertes qui aident ses clients à planifier, créer et exploiter le Cloud. Aucune autre entreprise n’a cette aptitude à rassembler à la fois une telle connaissance du marché et de telles capacités Cloud dont ont déjà bénéficié plus de 30 000 clients à travers le monde. A ce jour, IBM possède plus d’une centaine de solutions SaaS, des milliers d’experts dotés d’une connaissance métier pointue qui accompagnent leurs clients dans leur transformation, soutenus par un réseau de 40 datacenters dans le monde.

Depuis 2007, IBM a investi plus de 7 milliards de dollars dans l’acquisition de 17 entreprises afin d’accélérer son développement dans le domaine du Cloud et de constituer un portefeuille Cloud à forte valeur ajoutée. L’entreprise a également reçu 1560 brevets Cloud centrés sur l’innovation. D’ailleurs, IBM, pour la 21ème année consécutive, arrive en tête de la liste des dix sociétés ayant reçu le plus de brevets aux Etats-Unis en 2013. Il procède à 5,5 millions de transactions clients par jour à travers son Cloud public et espère atteindre 7 milliards de dollars de revenu dans le domaine du Cloud d’ici 2015.

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IBM Debuts Enterprise Cloud Marketplace with Global Partner Ecosystem

Launches Single Online Destination for Cloud Innovation


LAS VEGAS, 29 April 2014 -- IBM today launched a new Cloud marketplace that brings together IBM’s vast portfolio of cloud capabilities and new third-party services in a way that delivers a simple and easy experience for three key user groups within the enterprise – developers, IT managers and business leaders to learn, try, and buy software and services from IBM and its global partner ecosystem.

The launch of IBM Cloud marketplace represents the next major step in IBM's cloud leadership. This single online destination will serve as the digital front door to cloud innovation bringing together IBM’s capabilities-as-a-service and those of partners and third party vendors with the security and resiliency enterprises expect.

The marketplace offers a gateway for IBM’s vast global business partner ecosystem to tap into the growing $250B cloud market opportunity, with instant access to IBM’s rich intellectual capital, array of services and software capabilities and access to IBM’s vast enterprise client network. For partners, IBM's cloud marketplace provides a global path to the enterprise and new opportunities to collaborate with a network of channel partners in its ecosystem to generate new revenue streams driving cloud innovation.

This marketplace will serve as a cloud innovation hub where technology meets business with hundreds of cloud services from IBM, partners and third party ecosystem.  Clients can access a full suite of IBM-as-a-Service with 100 SaaS applications, IBM's Bluemix platform-as-a-service with composable services, the powerful SoftLayer infrastructure-as-a-service and third party cloud services.

Today’s news is the next significant step in IBM’s continued march toward building the most comprehensive cloud portfolio for the enterprise.  This year alone IBM announced:

·         $1.2 Billion investment to expand its global cloud footprint with SoftLayer

·         $1 Billion in cloud development with the launch of Bluemix, Platform-as-a-Service enabling much of IBM middleware to the cloud.

·         $1 Billion in the launch of a new business unit, the Watson Group for cloud-delivered cognitive innovation.

·         Acquisition of Aspera, Cloudant and Silverpop bringing the total to $7 Billion invested in 17 cloud acquisitions since 2010.


"Increasingly cloud users from business, IT and development across the enterprise are looking for easy access to a wide range of services to address new business models and shifting market conditions," said Robert LeBlanc, Senior Vice President, IBM Software & Cloud Solutions. "IBM Cloud marketplace puts big data analytics, mobile, social, commerce, integration ---- the full power of IBM-as-a-Service and our ecosystem --- at our clients' fingertips to help them quickly deliver innovative services to their constituents.


Building a Best in Class Ecosystem of Cloud Service Providers

IBM cloud marketplace offers an ideal environment for business partners and independent software vendors to monetize their solutions as cloud services for the enterprise, Several IBM partners including SendGrid, Zend, Redis Labs, Sonian, Flow Search Corp, Deep DB, M2Mi and Ustream have featured a wide array of cloud services on IBM marketplace for enterprise clients.

IBM has brought together a full suite of enterprise class cloud services and software and made these solutions simple to consume and integrate, whether you are an enterprise developer or forward looking business exec,” said Andi Gutmans, Zend CEO and Co-founder. “We will support the rapid delivery of our applications through the IBM Cloud marketplace, enabling millions of web and mobile developers, and many popular PHP applications to be consumed with enterprise services and service levels on the IBM Cloud.”

"Most cloud marketplaces are tied to one specific product offering. If you don't use the particular service for which the marketplace was built - even if you're a customer of other products by the same company, that marketplace is irrelevant for you,” Jim Franklin, CEO of SendGrid. “But the IBM cloud marketplace will be available to all IBM and non-IBM customers. Whether you're using BlueMix, or SoftLayer, or another IBM product, the IBM Marketplace will be there to serve you. As a vendor, being able to reach all IBM customers from one place is very exciting.”


How the IBM Cloud Marketplace Works

Clients can conveniently discover, test and experience hundreds of IBM and partner enterprise-grade cloud services online that are open, scalable and secure. Content is dynamically served up by job role and service pages offer easy, intuitive access for those interested in categories such as Start-ups, Mobile, Gaming and others. .For example, an enterprise DevOps team is looking for a better way to develop new technologies to meet fast-changing needs of the business.   Until now, they would have searched across the Web, looking at vendor sites to piece together solutions.  Today, they can consolidate their evaluation, immediate trial and purchasing of both IBM and third-party applications in the IBM cloud marketplace and or contact IBM directly for a purchase. 


IBM's cloud marketplace has three key components:

For Line of Business Professionals

Busy business professionals from across the organization are looking for a fast, easy way to find  user-friendly applications that are secure and scalable.   IBM Cloud marketplace for business will serve as a single stop where business and IT professionals can learn about, deploy and consume over 100 SaaS applications ranging from Marketing, Procurement, Sales & Commerce, Supply Chain, Customer Service, Finance, Legal, and City Managers. 

For Developers

IBM's Cloud marketplace -- Dev provides an integrated, get-started-now, cloud-based development environment where individual developers, development shops and enterprise development teams can quickly and effectively build enterprise applications via leading services and application protocol interfaces (APIs).  These applications can be easily and securely integrated in hybrid on premise and off premise cloud environments. It is uniquely built on an open environment so developers can choose any open source or third party tools and integrate apps, as needed.  Building on IBM’s $1 Billion investment in Bluemix, Platform as a Service, today IBM also announced the expansion of Bluemix with 30 cloud services, bringing advanced big data and analytics, mobile, security and devops services to developers and bringing enterprise developers into the cloud.

For IT Departments

IT managers want infrastructure they can configure and control to select their own suite of services, hardware and software; as well as reliable and scalable technology that is easy to access and implement.   Cloud marketplace --- Ops provides a secure set of cloud services built on Softlayer that help clients deploy cloud services. support high performance businesses at enterprise scale.   SoftLayer gives clients the ability to choose a cloud environment and location that best suits their business needs and provides visibility and transparency to where data reside, control of data security and placement with a choice of public, private or bare-metal server options.    Services include Big Data, Disaster Recovery, Hybrid environments, Managed Security Services, Cloud Environments for Small and Medium Business among others.

For instance, IT managers will be able to access two new IaaS offerings from IBM's Big Data and Analytics portfolio in the Cloud Marketplace. InfoSphere Streams will allow organizations to analyze and share data in motion for real-time decision management, and InfoSphere BigInsights will make it easier for developers to use Hadoop to build secure big data apps. With the addition of these new solutions, IBM now offers more than 15 solutions from its Big Data and Analytics portfolio, Watson Foundations, for business users in the Cloud Marketplace. IBM's Enterprise Content capabilities will also be available to help knowledge workers actively engage and manage content in a trusted cloud environment.


About IBM Cloud Computing

IBM has helped more than 30,000 clients around the world with 40,000 industry experts around cloud engagements. IBM has 100+ cloud SaaS solutions, thousands of experts with deep industry knowledge helping clients transform and a network of 40 data centers worldwide. IBM has invested more than $7 billion in 17 acquisitions to accelerate its cloud initiatives and build a high value cloud portfolio. IBM holds 1,560 cloud patents focused on driving innovation. In fact, IBM for the 21st consecutive year topped the annual list of US patent leaders. For more information about cloud offerings from IBM, visit Follow us on Twitter at @IBMcloud and on our blog at  Join the conversation #ibmcloud. To learn more about today's news please read Smarter Planet blog.     



IBM Announces New BlueMix Services to Help Developers Build Applications in the Cloud

More than 30 Services, including Data and Analytics-as-a-Service for Real-Time Insights, New BlueMix Garages for Developers


LAS VEGAS - 29 Apr 2014: IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that more than 30 additional cloud services are available in BlueMix, its Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) to help developers quickly integrate applications and speed deployment of new cloud services.  Additionally, IBM is launching BlueMix Garages, collaborative locations where developers can create new apps on BlueMix, learn new development skills, and access IBM's developer ecosystem.

With this announcement, IBM is accelerating the pace at which cloud computing will transform global industries.  

Built on open standards and leveraging Cloud Foundry, BlueMix has made major advancements since being announced in February, including:  

  • Cloud integration services to enable a secure connection between an organization's public applications and private data
  • Swift, secure and fast connections, via the cloud, between Internet of Things and machine to machine device to store, query and visualize data
  • Data and analytics-as-a-service to allow the rapid design and scale of applications that turn Big Data into competitive intelligence
  • DevOps services that support the complete developer lifecycle 

IBM is leveraging BlueMix's foundation on SoftLayer for this expansion, combining the strength of IBM's middleware software with third-party and open technologies to create an integrated development experience in the cloud. Using an open cloud environment, BlueMix helps both born-on-the-web and enterprise developers build applications with their choice of tools. With the ability to easily combine a variety of services and APIs from across the industry to compose, test and scale custom applications, developers will be able to cut deployment time from months to minutes. 

"The adoption rate of BlueMix has been nothing short of phenomenal since being announced only a few short weeks ago," said Steve Robinson, General Manager of IBM Cloud Platform Services. "Rapidly growing numbers of beta participants are embracing our model of extending their existing assets and services into a cloud-based, open-source development platform, allowing our clients to bridge between the tools they are planning for the future and the workloads and services they use today to get them to market faster."  

In the first eight weeks of BlueMix’s open beta launch, IBM has seen rapid adoption of the open platform with key clients and partners such as GameStop, Pitney Bowes, Continental Automotive and start-ups including EyeQ. 

"BlueMix has helped us grow and scale our resources at a rapid pace, assisting us in deploying a cost-effective solution to our clients that helps us get to market faster," said Michael Garel, CEO and Founder of EyeQ. "With BlueMix, we are able to reduce the amount of time spent on monthly server maintenance by 85 percent, and turn our attentions back to greater innovation."

BlueMix Helps Build and Integrate Apps Quickly

IBM’s new BlueMix services are designed to help businesses rapidly transform using Big Data, mobile and social technologies in the cloud. Some of the new BlueMix services include:  

Cloud Integration services to securely connect and integrate an organization’s applications and information in the cloud. Developers can use pre-defined connectors for accelerated integration, or develop custom APIs as needed to easily and securely tie back into systems of record behind their firewall. Integrated API management capabilities provide an easy mechanism to publish self-service APIs, that can be shared with the broader API economy. This allows developers to mix cloud-based PaaS, third party cloud applications, and on-premises systems behind security gateways, moving between cloud and on-premises systems in a hybrid, integrated environment.   

Internet of Things services allowing developers to register and connect networked devices such as microprocessors and embedded machine to machine sensors to the cloud, easily aggregating and reacting to data and events in real time. Organizations can build applications which efficiently manage, analyze, visualize, and interact with the massive quantities of temporal and spatial data generated by vehicles, wearables, mobile phones, cameras, computers, sensors and other intelligent devices. 

Data and Analytics services for developers to deliver data-centric mobile, web-scale applications. With these new services, including geospatial, time series, predictive scoring, and reporting, developers can easily create sophisticated applications that provide real-time actionable insight so that organizations can predict outcomes and make better business decisions. For example, a developer could create an application that integrates sensor data, location data, weather data and usage trends from a network of equipment to identify and avoid emerging maintenance issues. In addition, new data masking, discovery and audit capabilities help developers create applications with built-in data privacy and security. 

DevOps services enabling developers, IT departments and business teams with an open, integrated rapid development environment that scales from individual developers to enterprise teams. The DevOps Continuous Integration service will provide end-to-end “build” capabilities to speed changes through the development process, DevOps Mobile Quality Assurance (MQA) will help analyze user sentiment to spot problems before they go viral, and the Monitoring and Analytics service will identify application problems during development - leveraging analytics to help applications achieve availability and performance goals. In addition, DevOps will include a new RapidApp service that requires no coding, using visual tools to expand the scope of web and business applications developers can create. 

BlueMix Garage Speeds Development of Cloud Applications

IBM also announced the launch of BlueMix Garages - physical, collaborative spaces for developers, product managers and designers to collaborate with IBM experts to rapidly innovate and deliver new cloud applications to be deployed onto BlueMix. The first IBM BlueMix Garage will be located in San Francisco’s South of Market neighborhood – home to more startups per square foot than anywhere in the world. The Garage will sit in Galvanize, a startup hub which will provide a shared home to approximately 200 San Francisco startups by the end of 2014. Working side-by-side with IBM consultants, partners and entrepreneurs, Garage users will transform application development with modern cloud technologies and highly disciplined agile processes. 

Underpinned by a strong ecosystem, IBM is accelerating the pace at which cloud computing will transform global industries. Currently, IBM’s education, mentoring and innovation initiatives reach more than four million software developers worldwide, and more than 1,000 startups across retail, healthcare, finance, agriculture, automotive and more. The continued growth of the BlueMix community, as well as launches of additional BlueMix Garages, will help provide this network with the skills, innovation and tools needed to leverage the power of cloud to revolutionize the use of mobile, big data and more.  

Preview of BlueInsight for Business Users

IBM also previewed a project codenamed BlueInsight, which provides a cloud-based, collaborative workspace experience for BlueMix designed to help knowledge workers solve business problems faster.  Two core elements of BlueInsight include Data Refinery services that help users identify and integrate all types of data from a wide variety of enterprise, cloud and third party sources to create enriched, trusted information; and a service codenamed Catalyst Insight, an automated analytic discovery solution to give those without analytics expertise the ability to surface predictive intelligence from their data.


About IBM Cloud Computing

IBM has helped more than 30,000 clients around the world with 40,000 industry experts. Since its acquisition in 2013, IBM SoftLayer has served 4,500 new cloud clients. Today, IBM has 100+ cloud SaaS solutions, thousands of experts with deep industry knowledge helping clients transform and a network of 40 data centers worldwide. Since 2007, IBM has invested more than $7 billion in 17 acquisitions to accelerate its cloud initiatives and build a high value cloud portfolio. IBM holds 1,560 cloud patents focused on driving innovation. In fact, IBM for the 21st consecutive year topped the annual list of US patent leaders. IBM processes more than 5.5M client transactions daily through IBM's public cloud. For more information about cloud offerings from IBM, visit Follow us on Twitter at @IBMcloud and on our blog at  Join the conversation #ibmcloud

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IBM Launches First "BlueMix Garage" in San Francisco to Speed Development of Cloud Applications

New Physical “Garages,” Co-Located with Startups, to Spur BlueMix App Development


LAS VEGAS - 29 Apr 2014: IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced the launch of the first BlueMix Garage – a physical location where developers, product managers and designers can collaborate with IBM experts to rapidly innovate and deliver new cloud apps deployed onto BlueMix, IBM’s open platform-as-a-service (PaaS).

Located in San Francisco, the first IBM BlueMix Garage has begun initial projects and will become fully operational this June, transforming app development with modern cloud technologies and highly disciplined agile processes.  Centered in dense startup communities, BlueMix Garages will help redefine how developers use the cloud to turn new ideas into initial products, evolve them based on market feedback, and deliver scale and integration with client systems as needed through the IBM BlueMix platform. 

Designed as a collaborative space for developers from companies of all sizes, the first BlueMix Garage will locate an IBM community and development lab in the heart of a thriving, entrepreneurial community: Galvanize. Located in San Francisco’s South of Market neighborhood – home to more startups per square foot than anywhere in the world – Galvanize attracts a strong network of entrepreneurs, developers, students, mentors, angel investors and venture capitalists in a physical space to learn, collaborate and create the next generation of high-tech and digital businesses. By the end of 2014, Galvanize will be home to approximately 200 San Francisco startups, which will sit next to the BlueMix Garage and spur co-innovation through events, technical talks and mentorship by IBM Fellows and senior business leaders.

Galvanize is a co-learning campus, providing digital startups with the industry-critical tools, mentoring and connections they need to learn, grow and launch,” said Jim Deters, co-founder and CEO of Galvanize. “The inclusion of IBM’s first BlueMix Garage within the Galvanize community will equip our strong network of developers with the ability to competitively innovate apps with speed, using the power of cloud and open standards.”  

Working side-by-side with IBM experts, entrepreneurs from various companies will gain a core set of skills in agile practices focused on cloud integration, systems of record, scalability and security; they will be able to quickly build, deploy and iterate new Cloud apps and services on BlueMix. On an ongoing basis, IBM will identify products created in the Garage, as well as startup offerings, which would benefit IBM’s clients, making them available as software-as-a-service (SaaS) capabilities in IBM’s new Cloud marketplace.

As part of the new partnership with IBM, Galvanize and IBM will be adding BlueMix content into existing gSchool courses, Galvanize’s 24-week immersive developer training program. Galvanize is announcing a new gSchool course on Cloud Foundry in San Francisco commencing in Fall 2014 powered by IBM and Pivotal.  This new curriculum will produce developers highly skilled in building apps on BlueMix, Pivotal Web Services, and other Cloud Foundry providers.

With the launch of BlueMix Garages, IBM’s developer platform will continue to strengthen the extensive ecosystem underpinning it. Reaching more than four million developers worldwide with its developerWorks community, IBM fuels a dev2dev support community, thousands of “how to” guides, developer discussion forums and deep technical documentation. Though the Global Entrepreneur Program, IBM also works closely with more than a thousand startups, helping them build their companies with venture capital investment, incubators, mentoring camps and startup villages throughout emerging markets such as India and Africa. Additionally, IBM provides mentoring and access to skill building in over 200 countries, sponsoring more than 3,000 technical events each year from enablement to testing and validation. This mentoring extends to academia, where IBM reaches more than 3,500 universities, helping to educate students about advances in Big Data, analytics, cloud and more.


About IBM Cloud Computing

IBM has helped more than 30,000 clients around the world with 40,000 industry experts. Since its acquisition in 2013, IBM SoftLayer has served 4,500 new cloud clients. Today, IBM has 100+ cloud SaaS solutions, thousands of experts with deep industry knowledge helping clients transform and a network of 40 data centers worldwide. Since 2007, IBM has invested more than $7 billion in 17 acquisitions to accelerate its cloud initiatives and build a high value cloud portfolio. IBM holds 1,560 cloud patents focused on driving innovation. In fact, IBM for the 21st consecutive year topped the annual list of US patent leaders. IBM processes more than 5.5M client transactions daily through IBM's public cloud. For more information about cloud offerings from IBM, visit Follow us on Twitter at @IBMcloud and on our blog at  Join the conversation #ibmcloud.

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