Communiqués de presse

IBM lance le premier « Championnat mondial Master the Mainframe”

Depuis 2005, les éditions nationales du concours ont rassemblé plus de 68 000 étudiants issus de 33 pays
Mar 4, 2014

Paris, France - 04 mars 2014: IBM annonce que son concours « Master the Mainframe » prend une nouvelle dimension en incluant une étape inédite et mondiale appelée « IBM Master the Mainframe World Championship ». Cette compétition, qui fait partie des engagements d’IBM pour développer les compétences d’une nouvelle génération d’experts du mainframe, mettra en avant les atouts actuels de cette technologie. En effet, ce dernier est conçu pour traiter les charges de travail complexes liées au Big Data, au Cloud, à la sécurité et à la mobilité.

Le championnat vise à rassembler les meilleurs étudiants d’universités du monde entier qui ont démontré des compétences techniques de haut niveau dans le cadre de leur participation à leur concours national « Master the Mainframe » organisé par IBM. Sur les 20 000 étudiants qui ont participé aux concours nationaux ces trois dernières années, les 44 meilleurs, issus de 22 pays, ont été invités à participer au premier « Championnat mondial Master the Mainframe » d’IBM. Ils développeront des applications d’entreprise sur mainframe qu’ils présenteront le 07 avril 2014 à New-York à un éminent jury qui déterminera l’étudiant qui mérite le titre de « Champion mondial Master the Mainframe ».

Les étudiants retenus pour représenter la France sont Lola Rigaut-Luczak de l’Université de technologie de Compiègne et Alain Sanguinetti de Polytech Paris-UPMC. Ils ont été sélectionnés parmi 347 participants français.

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IBM Premiers New Master the Mainframe World Championship 

Regional Competitions Exceed 68,000 Students in 33 Countries


Armonk, N.Y. - 04 Mar 2014: IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced the expansion of its Master the Mainframe Contest to include a first-ever IBM Master the Mainframe World Championship competition.  As part of IBM’s ongoing commitment to develop the skills of a new generation of mainframe experts, the competition will highlight the modern capabilities of the mainframe, designed to handle today’s complex Big DataCloudSecurity and Mobile computing workloads.

The Championship is designed to assemble the best university students from around the globe, who have demonstrated superior technical skills through participation in their regional IBM Master the Mainframe Contests. Out of the 20,000 students who have engaged in country-level Master the Mainframe Contests over the last three years, the top 44 students from 22 countries have been invited to participate in the inaugural IBM Master the Mainframe World Championship. This innovative group of students will spend the month of March entrenched in the Systems of Engagement concept. They will deploy Systems of Record mainframe business applications written with Java and COBOL using DB2 for z/OS API’s, demonstrating how the Systems of Engagement concept takes full advantage of the platform’s superior capabilities.

These students will showcase their applications on April 7, 2014 in New York City where a distinguished panel of judges will determine which student earns the distinction of “Master the Mainframe World Champion.” 

Representing the United States are Mugdha Kadam from the University of Florida, Elton Cheng from the University of California San Diego, and Rudolfs Dambis from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. 

The Master the Mainframe Contest is a great way to get the millennial generation excited about enterprise computing,” said Martin Kennedy, managing director, global enterprise systems, Citi. “I’ve been following the contest for a number of years and have made successful hires from both IBM’s Master the Mainframe Contest as well as their System z Academic Initiative program.  I envision a World Championship such as this generating momentum in academia and making educators take a second look at the mainframe in enterprise computing.” 

To kick off the World Championship, IBM has launched the Master the Mainframe World Championship website. The site profiles each student and provides a leaderboard so fans can follow their favorite contestant, school and country. In addition to the contestant’s information, the website highlights the judges, who represent a cross section of the IT industry, and who are participating in the April 7th final championship event.  

The Master the Mainframe Contest opened many doors for me,” said Dontrell Harris, a previous Master the Mainframe contestant. “I was able to translate my knowledge of the mainframe and evolution of key computing workloads into a successful internship experience and hope to parlay those ‘in demand’ skills into a career upon graduation.”  

IBM is committed to preparing “Generation z” for the future of business,” said Pat Toole, GM, IBM System z. “Our ongoing collaboration with governments and academia in more than 70 countries to extend mainframe skills through our System z Academic Initiative, helps ensure continuous mainframe innovations in areas such as Cloud, Mobile and Big Data for decades to come.”

For further information on IBM’s Master the Mainframe, Master the Mainframe World Championship, and System z Academic Initiative please visit: Also, visit Mainframe50 and learn how IBM and its clients make the extraordinary possible:

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