Communiqués de presse

IBM aide les entreprises à s’engager dans l’ère de la Mobilité

Un nouveau logiciel et des services qui permettent aux entreprises d’adopter une stratégie mobile²
Nov 9, 2012

Paris - 09 nov. 2012: Avec des appareils mobiles plus intelligents que jamais, IBM annonce aujourd’hui une nouvelle offre de logiciels et de services pour aider les entreprises à répondre à une demande croissante de leurs employés à davantage de mobilité. Ces nouvelles offres permettront aux entreprises de se saisir de ce marché en expansion et de développer une stratégie informatique mobile qui leur donnera les moyens d’atteindre de nouvelles cibles de revenu, d’améliorer la visibilité de leur marque et de stimuler la productivité.


« La mobilité est en train de changer fondamentalement la façon dont nous pensons, travaillons, agissons. Toutefois, la vitesse à laquelle ce changement s’effectue permet uniquement aux entreprises de réagir, alors qu’elles devraient piloter de manière proactive cette évolution » explique Phil Buckellew, Vice President, IBM Mobile Enterprise.  « Nous cherchons à transformer cette approche. Au cours des dix dernières années, IBM a investi de manière stratégique dans le domaine de la mobilité, en s’associant à ses clients pour devancer cette tendance et capitaliser sur l’avantage concurrentiel d’être une entreprise « prête pour la mobilité».

Initier une stratégie de mobilité

Aujourd’hui, les entreprises sont extrêmement enthousiastes face aux opportunités générées par la mobilité, mais elles ne savent pas vraiment par où commencer pour se lancer dans cette voie.

Grâce à l’offre de service « Mobile Infrastructure and Planning »  (et de la nouvelle solution de GBS), IBM peut aider ses clients à identifier leurs lacunes et les accompagner dans la mise en œuvre de services de mobilité adaptés. Cela passe notamment par la définition d’une  stratégie « mobile » prenant en compte les objectifs et les besoins des directions Marketing, Informatique, Opérationnelle et des RSSI, dans un plan intégré.      

Construire et connecter les applications mobiles                 

IBM annonce la solution « IBM Mobile Development LifeCycle », pour faciliter le développement d’applications mobiles dans des délais très courts et sur de nombreuses plateformes. Cette solution fournit aux entreprises les outils nécessaires pour concevoir des applications de meilleure qualité, tout en accélérant le temps de mise en production de 25%, en réduisant le coût de développement et les défauts de près de 20%, et répondant ainsi au mieux aux besoins des clients.

Sécuriser et gérer l’entreprise “mobile”

Le Bring Your Own Device (BYOD, littéralement « Apporter son propre appareil mobile ») n’est plus seulement un « nice to have » mais un « must have » pour les entreprises, afin d’être réactives n’importe où et n’importe quand.

Selon une étude IBM, plus de 200 millions d’employés devraient utiliser leurs propres appareils mobiles (Smartphones, tablettes) sur leur lieu de travail d’ici à 2016. Aujourd’hui, les entreprises cherchent à gérer au mieux la sécurité, la complexité ainsi que les coûts du BYOD, tandis que les départements IT doivent respecter les besoins et exigences des différentes normes de conformité.

IBM simplifie les processus de sécurisation des appareils et fournit aux employés des outils et des portails qui permettent de gérer leurs propres appareils, grâce à IBM Endpoint Manager for Mobile Devices. Avec cette offre, le département IT peut enfin se consacrer à la sécurité de fond et aux normes de conformité.


IBM Helps Organizations Address Growing Mobile Computing Opportunity

New software and services enable businesses to create and enhance mobile strategies

ARMONK, NY – 09 Nov 2012: IBM (NYSE: IBM) today unveiled a suite of new software and services that enables global organizations to build a comprehensive mobile computing strategy – from securing and managing devices, to creating mobile applications and analyzing data. These new offerings are part of a move by IBM to capitalize on the growing market opportunity for mobile that industry analysts predict will drive $130B in revenue for organizations by 2015*.

As organizations increasingly view mobile computing as the next platform to conduct business, the market is evolving beyond just the device. Business leaders including the chief information officers (CIOs) and increasingly chief marketing officers (CMOs) of global organizations such as airlines, retailers, governments and healthcare providers are among the businesses turning to IBM to ensure mobile services and solutions are readily available to constituents and in full compliance with IT strategies. They need solutions that can be applied across any mobile environment and device -- whether a laptop, smartphone or tablet -- and can provide an underlying IT infrastructure that is always available, secure, effectively manages data, and integrates both front and back-end systems.

According to latest reports, more than 10 billion mobile devices are expected to be in the hands of consumers, doctors, sales leaders and the like by 2020**. Already, 90 percent of mobile users keep their device within arm’s reach at all times, and complete many kinds of transactions across these smart devices***.

Mobile is fundamentally changing the way we think, work, and act.  But the speed at which this shift is occurring is forcing organizations to react, instead of proactively plan for this transformation,” said Phil Buckellew, Vice President, IBM Mobile Enterprise. “We are evolving that approach. Just as IBM helped organizations capitalize on the Internet more than 20 years ago, we are also doing the same for mobile computing. We will continue to partner with clients and help them get ahead of this trend by enabling them to become mobile enterprises.”

IBM Solutions Helps Clients Become Mobile Enterprises 

Rohde & Schwarz, a global manufacturing company specializing in high-end test and measurement equipment, is transforming its organization into a mobile enterprise by doing away with cumbersome hardcopy product catalogs. By arming the 2,000 members of its global sales team with mobile devices and applications, representatives can now access the critical information needed to retrieve client information in real-time, easily access inventory information and rapidly close sales.

Using IBM Worklight’s unique standards-based development approach and open integration capabilities, Rohde & Schwarz is able to overcome mobile application challenges that many organizations face – including mobilizing enterprise data across multiple platforms without compromising user experience or functionality, whether its sales team is using  smartphones, tablets or laptops to access the information.

By introducing mobile into our sales processes, our representatives can now access our in-house product database on the road and showcase brand new products to our clients in a meeting,” said Manfred Metz, Corporate Mobility Manager, Rohde & Schwarz. “IBM enables us to not only efficiently develop these applications, but also easily integrate with a range of backend systems used across our entire enterprise. Now we are able to deliver exceptional apps in weeks instead of months.”

New Mobile Software and Services Fuel Growth

While the opportunities presented by mobile are significant, there are a number of challenges facing clients when adopting mobile computing. This includes the management and security of devices and their underlying infrastructures, ensuring a quality mobile application experience for users across operating systems, new devices entering the market almost monthly, integrating data with the cloud, and analyzing insights captured in real-time.

From consulting services to software solutions and industry expertise, organic R&D to key acquisitions, IBM offers clients a variety of offerings to quickly adopt mobile technologies throughout the organization. As global organizations struggle to keep pace with the opportunities that mobile computing can provide, IBM’s new suite of capabilities will enable them to overcome these obstacles. For example:

  • Mobile Planning and Strategy Services: Working with IBM consultants, clients can identify gaps and properly plan for the right mobile strategy.
  • Mobile Analytics: Through analytics capabilities, chief marketing officers (CMOs), e-commerce and app developers can gain real-time access and deep intelligence into customers’ online and app experience across mobile devices.
  • Endpoint Security and Management: With new software and managed mobility services, clients can embrace the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend by simplifying the processes to secure devices and empower employees to manage their own devices. These capabilities extend to the management and support of Apple (including iOS 6), Android, Microsoft Windows operating system (including Windows 8) and Blackberry devices.
  • Mobile App Development: Using the IBM Mobile Foundation will help clients better support native app development and make it easier to build apps that function in the absence of a network connection. New Lifecycle Management software will help clients quickly develop high quality apps across multiple platforms. New managed service capabilities will also provide organizations with support for deploying, implementing and managing their mobile apps and app stores.
  • Social Collaboration for Mobile: With new social business enhancements, an organization’s mobile workforce can use their mobile devices to blog, get live updates from their social networks, access and edit files. New remote data wipe capabilities also help protect company data in case a device is lost or stolen.

IBM has been steadily investing in the mobile space for more than a decade, both organically and through acquisitions, offering  a complete portfolio of software and services that delivers enterprise-ready mobility for clients -- from IT systems all the way through to mobile devices.  This builds on IBM's deep understanding of its clients and their evolving IT needs.

To learn more about IBM Mobile Enterprise capabilities, visit

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*McKinsey & Company analysis.


***“China Mobile 50k survey”; Morgan Stanley Research.

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