Communiqués de presse

IBM est le leader mondial des logiciels sociaux en nombre de parts de marché pour la troisième année consécutive.

Jun 20, 2012

Paris, Europe-France - 20 juin 2012: IBM annonce aujourd'hui que, pour la troisième année consécutive, IDC a classé le groupe américain numéro un du marché mondial des logiciels sociaux d'entreprise. Selon l'étude IDC faite sur le chiffre d'affaires 2011, IBM a progressé plus vite que ses concurrents et presque 2 fois plus vite que le marché qui a crû approximativement de 40%.  

 La popularité des réseaux sociaux est en pleine croissance ; de plus en plus d'organisations cherchent à adopter les pratiques de business social pour intégrer leurs équipes mondiales, conduire l'innovation, accroître la productivité et mieux adresser leurs clients et partenaires.

Selon IDC, le marché des plates-formes sociales d'entreprise est supposé atteindre les 5,4 milliards de dollars d'ici 2016, ce qui représente une croissance de 43% sur les 4 prochaines années.

Quand la demande croît, les organisations recherchent comment exploiter leur "potentiel social" et transformer les opérations métier (du marketing à la recherche en passant par les ressources humaines) mais elles manquent d'outils permettant d'analyser cette masse d'informations pour une utilisation plus pertinente.

IBM Named Worldwide Marketshare Leader in Social Software for Third Consecutive Year

 ARMONK, N.Y., June 20, 2012: IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that for the third consecutive year, IDC ranked IBM number one in worldwide market share for enterprise social software.  According to IDC's analysis of 2011 revenue, IBM grew faster than its competitors and nearly two times faster than the overall market which grew approximately 40 percent.*

 The growing popularity of social networking continues to explode, with more and more organizations looking for ways to adopt social business practices to integrate global teams, drive innovation, increase productivity and better reach customers and partners.  

 According to IDC, the enterprise social platforms market is expected to reach $4.5 billion by 2016, representing growth of 43 percent over the next four years.*

 While this demand is on the rise, organizations are still looking for ways to embrace social capabilities to transform virtually every part of their business operations, from marketing to research innovation and human resources, but lack the tools to gain insight into the enormous stream of information and use it in a meaningful way.

 "Social software is gaining in momentum in the enterprise," says Michael Fauscette, group vice president for IDC's Software Business Solutions Group. "Companies are seeing significant gain in productivity and increasing value from successfully deployed social software solutions including supporting ad hoc work by bringing people, data, content, and systems together in real time and making more effective critical business decisions by providing the 'right information' in the work context."

Today, more than 35 percent of Fortune 100 companies have adopted IBM's social softwareofferings including eight of the top 10 retailers and banks. IBM's social business software and services is unique combining social networking capabilities with analytics to help companies capture information and insights into dialogues from employees and customers and create interactions that translate into real value.

 IBM's social networking platform, IBM Connections, allows for instant collaboration with one simple click and the ability to build social communities both inside and outside the organization to increase customer loyalty and speed business results. IBM Connections is available both on premise and in the cloud.

 In the past year, new IBM social software clients include Lowe's Home ImprovementElectroluxTD BankNewly Weds FoodsRussell's Convenience stores, Bayer Material SciencePremier Healthcare AllianceEarthwatch, and the law offices of LaVan & Neidenberg. 

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*IDC, "Worldwide Enterprise Social Software 2011 Vendor Shares, Jun 2012, Doc # 235273

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